Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cooking the Candle 79 Cookbook

Watercress, Jicama, and Corn Salad with Jalapeno Dressing

Sadly, this is the only picture you get to see of the delicious salad we made last Friday. We were 5 women and V. for dinner. Everyone was starving and I rushed to get the food on the table, and before I could think "blog" it was all gone. I did take a picture of my girls with the empty salad bowl, but when I went to download it today, there was a problem with the memory card and nothing remains. Oh well, you can take my word for looked so colorful and tasted deeeelicious.
I substituted chopped apples for the corn, because I hate frozen corn unless it's in a curry or a soup.
Look at the vibrant color of the jalapeno dressing! It's great on steamed veggies too!
The recipe says it serves 6, but everyone wanted seconds, so we didn't have enough. Better than when people aren't touching the food, I suppose. We filled up on lasagna afterwards. And the other 5 had chocolate cupcakes.
I've decided to swear off sugar for January, because the candy consumption over the holidays was out of control. It's a hard thing for a pastry chef. But I'm determined to prove to myself that I can do it, and I'm still eating fruit in moderation, so it's not like I'm really depriving myself. It's amazing though, how much of my usual diet contains some form of sugar, maple syrup or agave, and breakfast has been the hardest thing to keep interesting. I bought some raw cacao and I'm mostly making shakes with banana, water and almond butter. If anyone has any other inspirations, please leave a comment!!
The salad is on page 43.

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