Thursday, September 30, 2010

Easy Lunch?

Is it just me or do salads seem like a lot of effort to make from scratch, for lunch? This is likely the New Yorker in me that says "why chop vegetables when all I have to do is pick up the phone and call for a $5 falafel sandwich?" But sometimes (granted, not that often) you don't feel like falafel. So the other day V and I went out to everyone's favorite Belgian organic chain restaurant, got 2 salads, a latte and a lemonade, and paid $50. And that seems comparable to all the other salad options that are close by. Not part of the daily budget!!
SO....I stocked up on beautiful veggies at the farmer's market and made this yummy salad in no time at all. Really...quinoa cooks in 15 minutes and you can make enough for the week. Fresh green lettuce, baby heirloom tomatoes and yellow string beans. Add a can of red kidney beans for extra protein. Done!
What a little meal planning can do! :)
Topped it with red pepper dressing, because I'm still grooving on that one (and there was half a jar of red peppers in the fridge, screaming to be used).

PS: There's that gosh darn yellow plate again :) ...goes a little better with salad than it does with plum tart though.

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